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About the Hear the World Foundation

The Hear the World Foundation, initiated by the Sonova Group in 2006, supports projects around the world enabling children with hearing loss to develop appropriate to their age. The foundation focuses on projects in low- to middle-income countries which give children with hearing loss access to audiological care. To this end, the non-profit Swiss foundation provides funding, hearing technology as well as on-site expertise to train local professionals. The expertise is provided by Sonova Group employees who work on a voluntary basis for the foundation. Furthermore, the foundation has been supported by over 100 prominent personalities such as Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen, Cindy Crawford, Annie Lennox and Sting as ambassadors for healthy hearing.


Thanks to a CI, Tung Lam has the chance to listen and talk

The Hear the World Foundation, in partnership with the Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss, is providing 10 children with significant hearing loss in Vietnam with cochlear implants (CIs), 15 years of product support, and the locally-based support services that they need to fully develop listening and speaking skills.


Peru: Over 31,000 children tested for hearing loss

Permanent hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities and two out of 1,000 newborns are born with hearing loss. Although Peru adopted the universal neonatal screening policy, with only 10 audiologists for 32 million habitants, newborns and infants remain untested for hearing loss. For this reason, the Hear the World Foundation and World Wide Hearing Foundation International jointly launched a program in 2016 to test underserved children in Peru for hearing loss.


Cochlear Implant donation helps children in Vietnam to hear

The Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss and the Hear the World Foundation have joined forces to enable Vietnamese children in need with significant hearing loss to hear and speak. Hear the World is donating cochlear implants, the cost of the operations, auditory-verbal therapy, audiological follow-up care, and a guarantee on the devices for up to 15 years.


Hearing implant and speech therapy for children from Panama

Thanks to a Cochlear Implant the three year old Isai from Panama can hear - despite his profound hearing loss. The hearing implant by the Hear the World Foundation enables Isai to learn to speak and opens the door to a life without limitations.


Hope for Syrian refugee children

Over a million Syrian refugees are living in Lebanon. They receive no financial support from the state. The Hear the World Foundation is providing a glimmer of hope by donating hearing aids to 100 children with hearing loss.


Charity Gala: CHF 375,000 for children with hearing loss

The Hear the World Charity Gala at the Dolder Grand on June 24, 2017 was a complete success: With proceeds of over CHF 375,000, the Hear the World Foundation can give the gift of hearing to some 1,900 children in need with hearing loss.

Marc Sway's engagement for children with hearing loss

Media release available only in German.


10 years, 100 ambassadors, and 1000 employees committed

Since its establishment the Swiss foundation has supported over 80 projects in 39 countries, helping thousands of people to hear better. It has received support from Bryan Adams and over 100 celebrity ambassadors, as well as from 1,000 Sonova employee volunteers.


For any further information, please contact:

Hear the World Foundation
Media Relations
Louise Sen
+41 58 928 01 01

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